
Şimdi gösteriyor: Newfoundland - Posta pulları (1857 - 1859) - 10 pullar.

[Coat of Arms & Heraldic Flowers of the United Kingdom - Thick Paper with Mesh, tip A] [Coat of Arms & Heraldic Flowers of the United Kingdom - Thick Paper with Mesh, tip B] [Coat of Arms & Heraldic Flowers of the United Kingdom - Thick Paper with Mesh, tip C] [Coat of Arms & Heraldic Flowers of the United Kingdom - Thick Paper with Mesh, tip D] [Coat of Arms & Heraldic Flowers of the United Kingdom - Thick Paper with Mesh, tip A1] [Coat of Arms & Heraldic Flowers of the United Kingdom - Thick Paper with Mesh, tip A2] [Coat of Arms & Heraldic Flowers of the United Kingdom - Thick Paper with Mesh, tip E] [Coat of Arms & Heraldic Flowers of the United Kingdom - Thick Paper with Mesh, tip F] [Coat of Arms & Heraldic Flowers of the United Kingdom - Thick Paper with Mesh, tip G] [Coat of Arms & Heraldic Flowers of the United Kingdom - Thick Paper with Mesh, tip H]
No. Tip D Yeniye yakın durumda Kullanılmamış Kullanılmış Mektup/FDC
1 A 1P - 136 218 - USD  Info
2 B 2P - 13.084 6.542 - USD  Info
3 C 3P - 1.090 545 - USD  Info
4 D 4P - 8.723 3.271 - USD  Info
5 A1 5P - 272 545 - USD  Info
5a* A2 5P - 136 436 - USD  Info
6 E 6P - 16.356 4.906 - USD  Info
7 F 6½P - 3.271 3.816 - USD  Info
8 G 8P - 327 654 - USD  Info
9 H 1Sh - 16.356 6.542 - USD  Info
1‑9 - 59.617 27.041 - USD 







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